實 習 內 容 | |
實 習 目 標 |
1. 資料檔案處理 2. 陣列定義、處理、與陣列參數傳遞 3. 平均值與標準差的估算 4. 實作 selection sort 演算法來排序 5. 中數與眾數的估算 6. histogram 計算與呈現 |
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請下載下列資料檔案 raw1.dat, raw2.dat, raw3.dat (請注意不要改檔案的副檔名) 及 範例執行檔案 至同一資料匣, 並且執行 這個程式是一個很標準的資料處理工具程式,main() 函數如下, 你可以看到裡面定義所使用到的資料變數 dataSize, frequency 陣列, 以及 data 陣列, 然後呼叫 readFile 從檔案裡把資料讀進 data 陣列, dataSize 是陣列中實際存放資料的筆數, 其後呼叫 mean_standard_deviation 函數來計算平均值和標準差, 此函數沒有回傳任何資料, 實際上計算出來的數值直接就寫到螢幕上了; 接下來呼叫 median 函數計算中數, 最後呼叫 mode 函數計算眾數, 最後留在 frequency 陣列裡是資料陣列中每一個數值出現的次數。 這個程式在設計的時候就是使用很標準的 top-down 設計方法, 把程式的功能分成幾個比較獨立的部份, 用函數來實作每一個獨立的部份功能。 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #define DATASIZE 150 void readFile(int *dataSize, int data[]); void mean_standard_deviation(const int data[], int dataSize); void medium(const int data[], int dataSize); void mode(const int data[], int dataSize); int main(void) { int dataSize; int data[DATASIZE]; /* reading file */ readFile(&dataSize, data); /* process responses */ mean_standard_deviation(data, dataSize); median(data, dataSize); mode(data, dataSize); system("pause"); return 0; /* indicates successful termination */ } |
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由檔案中以文字模式讀取資料: void readFile(int *dataSize, int data[]) { int i; FILE *fp; char filename[30]; printf("Input the file name: "); gets(filename); fp = fopen(filename, "rt"); /* t 代表以文字方式處理資料, t 可以省略 */ fscanf(fp, "%d", dataSize); for (i=0; i<*dataSize; i++) fscanf(fp, "%d", &data[i]); fclose(fp); } |
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平均值與標準差的估算: /* calculate average and standard deviation of all values */ void mean_standard_deviation(const int dataArray[], int arraySize) { int i; double sum = 0.0, mean; double variance = 0.0, deviation; printf("********\n Mean\n********\n"); for (i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { sum += dataArray[i]; variance += dataArray[i]*dataArray[i]; } mean = sum / arraySize; variance = (variance - mean*mean) / (arraySize-1); /* unbiased estimate */ /* format and output results */ printf("The mean is the average value of the data\n" " items. The mean is equal to the sum of\n" " all the data items divided by the number\n" " of data items ( %d ). The mean value for\n" " this run is: %f / %d = %f\n\n", arraySize, sum, arraySize, mean); printf("The standard deviation is the square root of the\n" " variance. The variance is the average of the \n" " square of (data values - mean). The unbiased estimate\n" " of variance is: %f and the standard deviation is: ", " %f\n\n", variance, sqrt(variance)); } |
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陣列排序中數的計算: /* sort array and determine median element's value */ void median(const int dataArray[], int arraySize) { printf("\n********\n Median\n********\nThe unsorted array of data is"); printArray(dataArray, arraySize); /* output unsorted array */ selectionSort(dataArray, arraySize); /* sort array */ printf("\n\nThe sorted array is"); printArray(dataArray, arraySize); /* output sorted array */ /* display median element */ printf("\n\nThe median is the %d-th element of\nthe sorted %d" " element array.\nFor this run the median is %d\n\n", arraySize/2, arraySize, dataArray[arraySize / 2]); } |
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Selection Sort 排序演算法: /* function that sorts an array with selection sort algorithm */ void selectionSort(int data[], int size) { int tmp; /* temporary location used to swap elements */ int min; /* index to keep the minimal element */ int pivot, j; for (pivot = 0; pivot < size-1; pivot++) { for (min = pivot, j = pivot+1; j < size; j++) if (data[j] < data[min]) min = j; if (min != pivot) { tmp = data[min]; data[min] = data[pivot]; data[pivot] = tmp; } } } |
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眾數的估算與 histogram 在文字介面中的呈現: /* determine most frequent data value and print out the histogram */ void mode(const int dataArray[], int arraySize) { int i, j, k; int freq[10]; int rating; int largest = 0; /* represents largest frequency */ int modeValue = 0; /* represents most frequent response */ printf("\n********\n Mode\n********\n"); /* initialize frequencies to 0 */ for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) freq[i] = 0; /* summarize frequencies */ for (j = 0; j < arraySize; j++) ++freq[dataArray[j]]; /* output headers for result columns */ printf("Data Frequency Histogram\n" " 1 1 2 2\n" " 5 0 5 0 5\n\n"); /* output results */ for (rating = 1; rating <= 9; rating++) { printf("%4d%10d ", rating, freq[rating]); /* keep track of mode value and largest fequency value */ if (freq[rating] > largest) { largest = freq[rating]; modeValue = rating; } /* output histogram bar representing frequency value */ for (k = 1; k <= freq[rating]; k++) printf("*"); printf("\n"); } /* display the mode value */ printf("The mode is the most frequent value.\n" "For this run the mode is %d which " "occurred %d times.\n", modeValue, largest); } 當然, 你也可以用我們先前談到的 BGIm 圖形介面的 bar3D 來繪製 histogram #include <graphics.h> .... void histogram(int size, const int data[]) { int i, left, bottom, width, unitHeight; char buf[40]; initwindow(640, 480, "Histogram", 50, 50); setcolor(YELLOW); rectangle(0,30,639,450); settextstyle(SANS_SERIF_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,2); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(275,0,"Histogram"); setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE,0,2); line(60,420,60,60); // y-axis line(50,70,60,60); // arrow line(70,70,60,60); line(60,420,560,420); // x-axis line(550,410,560,420); // arrow line(550,430,560,420); outtextxy(55,35,"#"); outtextxy(565,405,"Data"); left = 110; bottom = 419; width = 45; unitHeight = 12; for (i=0; i<size; i++) { setfillstyle(INTERLEAVE_FILL, i+1); bar3d(left+i*width, bottom-data[i]*unitHeight, left+(i+1)*width-15, bottom, 10, 2); setcolor(i+1); sprintf(buf, "%2d", data[i]); outtextxy(left+i*width+10, bottom-data[i]*unitHeight-31,buf); setcolor(WHITE); sprintf(buf, "%2d", i+1); outtextxy(left+i*width+4, bottom+5,buf); } } |
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陣列資料的列印: 陣列資料在標準輸出入函數庫中並沒有特別的函式來列印, 請自行撰寫迴圈來列印, 自行決定每一列需要列印幾筆資料 /* output array contents (20 values per row) */ void printArray(const int data[], int size) { int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (i % 20 == 0) /* begin new line every 20 values */ printf("\n"); printf("%2d", data[i]); } } |
製作日期: 101/11/16
by 丁培毅 (Pei-yih Ting)
E-mail: [email protected]