94 Spring 課程內容摘要

第一週 (2/25)
  1. 課程簡介, 課程大綱, 參考書籍, 線上資料
  2. 以 C++ 製作物件導向程式的核心概念:(物件, 抽象化界面, 封裝), 繼承, 多型
  3. C++ Console I/O
  4. Homeworks:
第二週 (3/4)
  1. Making and Using Objects
  2. Homeworks:
第三週 (3/11)
  1. C++ as a better C:
    • single line comment,
    • struct, enum, union tags are type names,
    • new iostream library (object oriented usage, type sensitive usage),
    • cooperating with stdio (ios::sync_with_stdio(),
    • variable declaration on the fly,
    • definition vs. declaration (variable and function),
    • function signature and name mangling,
    • parameter defaults

  2. Objects and Classes

  3. Homeworks:
第四週 (3/18)
  1. C 指標 (pointer) 語法複習

  2. C++ as a better C: (cont'd)
    • #define vs. const variables
    • new and delete
    • stricter typing system
    • typedef
    • reference
    • global scope resolution operator
    • bool
    • explicit type conversion

  3. Assertion is strictly for programmer instead of users

  4. Procedural Programming Example 6Balls

  5. Object Oriented Programming Example 3Bags

  6. 兩星期後 (4/1) 交第一次作業

  7. Homeworks:
第五週 (3/25)
  1. Objects and Classes (cont'd)
  2. Constructors and Destructors
  3. Quiz #1
  4. Homeworks:
    • review Chapter 4, 5
    • read Chapter 6
第六週 (4/1)
  1. Assignment #1 due
  2. Constructors and Destructors (cont'd)
  3. Procedural Programming Example WaveRecord.h, WaveRecord.cpp
  4. Homeworks:
    • Appendix A, B
    • read Chapter 6 Initialization & cleanup
第七週 (4/8) Spring Break
第八週 (4/15)
  1. Assignment #1 Problems
  2. Common C/C++ Memory Errors, html version
  3. Homeworks:
第九週 (4/22)
  1. 期中考 (9:20-10:20)
  2. More Classes (Object composition and ctor, this pointer, return pointers)
  3. The Big Three: Dtor, Copy Ctor, and Assignement Operator
  4. Homeworks:
    • review Chapter 11 copy ctor
第十週 (4/29)

  1. 期中考講解
  2. Friend Classes and Friend Functions
  3. Basic Object Design
  4. Homeworks:
第十一週 (5/6)

  1. Basic Object Design (cont'd)
  2. UML 語法介紹, 參考資料
  3. Operator Overloading
  4. Homeworks:
    • read Chapter 12 operator overloading
第十二週 (5/13)

  1. Inheritance
  2. Proper Inheritance
  3. Homeworks:
第十三週 (5/20)

  1. Polymorphism
  2. Homeworks:
第十四週 (5/27)

  1. Advanced Inheritance
  2. Template
  3. Homeworks:
    • review Chapter 14 (page 604-623)
    • review Chapter 16
    • 負面思考: OOP 真的有好處嗎? 1, 2, 3
    • Quiz #2 (6/3)
第十五週 (6/3)

  1. Exception
  2. Homeworks:
    • review Vol2, Chapter 1

第十六週 (6/10)

第十七週 (6/17)

第十八週 (6/24)
    期末考 (10:20-12:00)

C++ 程式設計課程 首頁

製作日期: 02/21/2005 by 丁培毅 (Pei-yih Ting)
E-mail: [email protected] TEL: 02 24622192x6615
海洋大學 工學院 資訊工程系 Lagoon